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Our heating services
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We don’t hang about
The best option for you

We are Baxi and Potterton recommended installers. Baxi can do finance for boilers at a cheaper rate than the Gas Board. Baxi Boilers have 7-10 year warranties. Their own elected heat team repairers carry out a next day service if you have the boiler fitter by a recommended installer, of which we are.
Get in touch today 01245 478 111
Why should you get your boiler serviced?
All kinds of boilers and systems
What do we look for in a gas boiler check?
- That the boiler’s flame is the correct colour and not a carbonising flame
- The main components (the heat exchanger, main gas injectors, burners, and spark & sensor probe) for signs of damage
- All pipes for cracks or signs of leaks
- Flue terminals for obstructions, flue components for seals
- Flue gases to measure efficiency and levels of carbon monoxide emission, as well as the CO to CO2 balance
- Gas tightness at the meter, to ensure that the entire installation is sound

Examples of why maintenance is so important

Get in touch today 01245 478 111
Looking for a Boiler or Boiler service?
Boilers and their peripheral controls make a home more comfortable. Without water & heat life would not be sustainable. we look after both aspects, As Gas Safe engineers we love designing systems to suit a house & evolving family’s requirements.
We can do simplistic or state of the art.
Over the years we have fitted every type & make of boiler & have evolved in the last 20 years as Baxi approved installer which means we prefer the Baxi range of boilers. Each Gas Safe engineer attends courses to be familiar with these appliances. The Baxi range includes Potterton, Heatra Sadia, Megaflo, Remeha & many others.
Our liaison with this company creates many benefits for our customers which is key,
1. Priority service
2. Top genuine warranties
3. Immediate response and free repairs for 7 to 10 years from Baxi
When arranging a boiler change we must look at all aspects of the system as there is no good having a boiler which is efficiency-rated A and 40-year-old radiators and a unlagged cylinder, so if we seem intrusive when we complete our initial inspection forgive us as we are only getting it right for you the customer.

Get in touch today 01245 478 111
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