A Day In the Life Of a Plumbing & Heating Engineer During Covid-19
At LKG Daughters Plumbing & Heating, we’re continuing to work safely and socially responsible as we provide emergency plumbing and heating services to homes around Chelmsford. This blog is an insight into a real day in the life of one of our plumbing and heating engineers, Linda…
6 a.m – Wake up!
It’s usually an early start for our plumbing and heating engineers, especially since there’s now more to prepare for. Before visiting clients houses, our engineers must replenish equipment as well as in between jobs. The first phone call comes in early on this particular day; a job for a broken boiler is added to the diary.
7.30 a.m – Get productive
Now the dogs are walked, work uniform on, and dust sheets dried; it’s time to get started! Following the phone call, the parts are ordered and collection is arranged from the supplier. Linda likes to use this time in the morning to book new work in and go through emails and quotes in the office with 2 cups of coffee (imperative!).
8.00 a.m – Check supplies
Since the Covid-19 pandemic, LKG Daughters have implemented new measures to limit the risk of spreading the virus and protect clients and workers. This means making sure work vans are properly stocked with the equipment needed for each job, including plenty of Personal Protective Equipment like gloves, masks and clean dust sheets.
8.30 a.m – First job of the day
Now’s the time to set off for the first job of the day. On this particular day, Linda visited the home of a gentleman over the age of 80 living alone in Broomfield. His boiler wasn’t running properly, with no heating or hot water. After initial inspection it was evident that there was a problem, and upon further inspection, it was clear the boiler was condemned.
With the current lockdown situation, the customers age, and an impending cold front on its way, an action plan needed to be implemented quickly. Linda liaised with the customer, who wanted the work to start as quickly as possible. A price was agreed, deposit paid, and quotation to follow.
10.30 a.m – Next job
The second job of the day took Linda to a home in Ingatestone. Before entering the property, clean gloves, mask and dust sheets were replenished as they are between every single job. Once prepared, Linda assessed what work needed to be done after discovering that water was expanding from the cylinder coil back to the main tank. Water systems were redirected and the tank was closed down safely. A price was agreed for the job and the customer was booked in there and then, as well as ordering the cylinder.
12.00 p.m – Check-in
Linda collected the pre-arranged parts ordered earlier in the morning from the supplier, using PPE to maintain safety measures. At this point, the team checks in with each other to make sure the jobs they are working on are progressing well. Being a family business, LKG Daughters likes to make sure that everyone is supported in their individual jobs to maintain effective team working.
12.30 p.m – Third job
A regular customer called LKG Daughters for help after their shower, fitted by another engineer over 20 years ago, started continuously leaking. Linda investigated; there was no access to the shower tray as it was flush to the floor. After agreement with the customer (from the garden through an open window), Linda sheeted up the area, and cut out a section of the ceiling to check which parts were required before ordering and arranging a collection time, before finishing by cleaning up, collecting and fitting the part required.
4.00 p.m – A boiler emergency
A Combi boiler (not LKG Daughters’ installation) was reported to not be functioning, so Linda visited the site. The pressure was on 0, bar expansion was leaking outside and the expansion vessel bladder was intact, so Linda recharged, vented the radiators, and the client was booked in for 2 days time to check, complete the boiler and system service and run a gas safe report. Before leaving, a standard gas safe check was carried out to ensure the customer was not being left in a vulnerable position.
6.30 p.m – Home time and admin
Once home, the dust sheets used throughout the day go straight in the wash before walking the dogs. Then, it’s time to go to the office and organise tomorrow’s customers, complete some quotes and make space for the boiler change in Broomfield.
9.00 p.m – Time out whilst still on 24 hour call
After some final admin tasks in the office and another busy and productive day, it’s time to unwind and watch the news with the dogs before another early start tomorrow!
All of the engineers at LKG Daughters Plumbing and Heating are proud to be extremely committed to working hard to provide exceptional and timely service to every single customer.
‘We have a social responsibility to ensure the protection of our workers and customers from the potential spread of the virus. We are and will continue to do all we can to work safely, and are sure we can come out of the pandemic stronger on the other side if we pull together. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or questions around the specific measures we are taking whilst we continue to provide our plumbing and heating services to the public.
Stay healthy and stay safe!’
– The LKG Daughters team
We pride ourselves on offering quality services and solutions for plumbing, heating and bathrooms at affordable prices. Contact us to find out how we can help you.
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